Thursday, February 5, 2009

human beings are so dumb.

Michael Phelps smoked pot. Big Damn Deal! So have millions and millions of other people. Who gives a crap?!? The man won 8 gold medals. EIGHT GOLD MEDALS at the Olympics. He worked his ass off, sacrificed, so that he could be the best. Maybe he was celebrating? Maybe he just felt like getting high? Who the hell do "we" think we are to judge him? Did he kill someone? Drive drunk and crash into a house? Hurt a child? Nope. He got high. That's it.

How many of us can say that we give everything we have, and more, to our passions? Our families? Our work? Ourselves? How many of us can say that we do it EVERY DAY? No breaks, no days off, no whining, no complaining.....that we give 100% every minute of the day?

I know I can't. I desperately wish that I could say that I do but I'd be lying. Some days I just don't wanna. I'm tired, feeling lazy, PMS'ing, irritable, whatever.

I'm glad he did it. Good for him.

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